Holding Back The Tide

Created by dflclancy 12 years ago
I first met Kurt at Amaroo way back when. He was given the task of helping to keep the path clear so that Mr Rawat could exit safely after an event at campground A. A fairly simple undertaking you may think but the path was at the bottom of a short steep slope and all the attendee's wanted to be able to wave to Mr Rawat. Some at the back wanted to be at the front and some in the middle wanted to be at the front and those at the front wanted to stay at the front. The path was wide enough for a golf cart and not much more so it was a situation that was potentially dangerous as all it would take was for one overly enthusiastic person at the back to slip and fall and everyone would be on the path in one large pile. Kurt was the perfect person to be with in this spot, His manner was easy his size was formidable and his respect for all was evident. As Mr Rawat passed behind us the crowd wanted to come forward but there was Kurt with that smile, a shake of his head and a small gesture with his hands that said stay calm and enjoy what is in front of you. To be standing with your back to where you want to look is the hardest thing, when there was a good reason Kurt could do it with grace and humor. There are lots of words to describe Kurt but the one I choose is laconic